Thoughts All Girls Have While in College

1. “How much effort does it really take to pass this class?”1-imgur

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“If I get a D on this exam, I could still end up with a B+ in the class….”
Admit it: this question passes through your mind in almost every class you take. Everyone has the internal battle of choosing between going to class or staying in bed and watching Netflix for a minimum of five straight hours.
While Art 101 may seem like an easy A and that skipping class once (or twice) a week may seem harmless, it does add up. Chances are that easy A will slip down towards a solid C. In the end, going to class will get you a college degree – Netflix, sadly, will not.

2. “Which stereoptypical college kid am I?”2-imgur

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“The sorority girl, the athlete, the musician the queen of clubs, the activist, the world traveler, the scholar…”
While the possibilities and combinations of activities you can participate in are endless, we all prioritize. Which opportunities will you take and which will you pass up? When you graduate, what memories will define your college years? At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether you were the NCAA athlete, the environmentalist, or spent three semesters abroad; chances are your interests fall into many categories. College gives us the opportunity to further cultivate our longtime passions, while broadening ourselves to new and unknown adventures.

3. “Why did I ever leave home?”3-imgur

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“Wait, you can actually burn top ramen? What do you mean separate the darks and lights? How am I supposed to wake up for class on time, my mom isn’t here to wake me up!”
Leaving home for college is different for everyone. While some people need the time away and independence to grow and heal, others find it hard to leave the comfort of home. While some had many responsibilities growing up, others will have to learn the hard way the importance of sorting your darks and lights while doing laundry. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, leaving home is an adjustment we all must face.
Just make sure to call home and catch your parents up on your life. The adjustment is just as hard for them as it is for you!

4. “I want to go out…but I really just want to watch Netflix”4-imgur

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“Who needs a social life when you have Netflix.”
Did we mention Netflix? When the weekend rolls around, you have the option to go out or stay in. While going out every night seems like the epitome of college life, you’ll need a break. It’s really okay to take a weekend off from the party scene. Sure, your friends want you to go out, and as much as you’d love to witness the latest alcohol induced insanity for yourself, sometimes a night in is just what you need. What’s wrong with binge watching Grey’s Anatomy or Gossip Girl on a Friday night? Nothing at all ladies, nothing at all.

5. “Where the heck is Mr. Right?”5-imgur

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Maybe he’s your high school sweetheart, or the cutie in your Chem 110 class, or he could be someone you’ll meet in your future career! College is where many people find their forever, but who says you have to? College isn’t just about that Mrs. Degree anymore, ladies. College is the time to explore who you are and who you want to become – it’s an opportunity to find yourself.
You’ll meet hundreds of guys in college. Chase them all, or don’t. Date everyone, or don’t date at all. It’s your decision, but know that it’s OKAY to not know who you’re going to marry.

6. “What do I even want to do with my life?”6-imgur

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  “What am I going to do when I graduate? I’m not ready to be an adult. I can’t even do my own taxes yet. I don’t even pay for my cell phone bill. Help.”
The question that sums up college. For those who know they want to be a doctor, the next J.K. Rowling, a human rights lawyer, or have been dreaming of their entrepreneurial career since they were seven years old, props to you, girlfriend. It’s scary to think that in four years you must decide what you will do for the rest of your life. But you don’t need to know. It’s okay to wander for a while, its okay to not know where your life is going 100% of the time. Give yourself the time to really find your passion, do all the soul searching you need. You’ll find your way in this crazy world.

7.”How late can I sleep in and still make it to class?”7-imgur

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“Do I really need make up? I showered yesterday, that’s good right? Did I wear this already this week? I don’t look that tired do I?”
These thoughts have all crossed our minds. Those 8AM classes are early. Hey, those 10AMs are pushing it sometimes. We all love our beauty sleep, and college is where we master the balancing act of taking minimal time to get ready while still looking fabulous. Whether you just rolled out of bed or spent an hour getting ready, rock it and make no apologies. You are beautiful just the way you are and being a girl is hard, damn it! Boys will never truly understand the struggle.

8. “Who is going to be here when I leave this place?”8-imgur

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Some friends are forever, regardless of when they appeared in your life. Sometimes those friends you thought would be there forever, aren’t. The transition to college can change people. Life is too short to hold onto friendships that drag us down and do not fill our lives with joy. It hurts, but sometimes you have to cut the losses, hold on to the memories, and go your separate ways.
By the time you leave college, your friends may consist of only people you met at in college, or maybe there’s a happy mix of friends from high school and college. Wherever those once in a lifetime people come from in your life, hold on to them and don’t let go. Our friends define who we are, after all – what would life be without wonderful people to share it with!

9.”All I can think about is food and sleep. And coffee.”9-imgur

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College is stressful, busy, hectic, and pulls you in a million different directions. You can’t blame a girl for just wanting a caffeine fix (or three) everyday. Who really has time for three meals a day and a healthy sleep cycle anyways? Overrated. Okay, we lied. Its not overrated at all. But, the overnighters paired with diets consisting of overwhelmingly amounts of processed and microwavable food are a part of college. We push through for the sake of our GPA’s, and we all make it out no worse for the wear. Generally. But for real, give your body a break sometimes. Go get some real food and put the books away for a night.

10. “Am I happy?”

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There is so much to do and only so much time in the four (or more, no shame) short years you spend getting your undergrad. We stress ourselves trying to make sure we got the “perfect college experience,” when all that truly matters is that we are happy with where we are and what we are doing. No matter what, the “I wish I had done” and the “I shouldn’t have done” thoughts will always cross our minds. Forget the expectations and what others are doing – if you’re happy, then you’re doing something right. Go out and live it up, college girl!